Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Boil up

Boil up is so delicious! A traditional Maori dish (major laughing). When ever I go to my dad's house or my dad's families house we always have at least one serving of this scrumptious dish.

In boil up the meat is usually pork bones, sometimes brisket but you can really chuck heaps in. Boil up always has just potatoes, which are just great. Sometimes Kumara, yum sweet, sweet Kumara! One of my favourite parts about a boil up is the dough boys. Dough boys are just flour, water and baking powder with a pinch of salt. You roll them in balls then chuck 'em in the pot.
Another top favourite is the greenery. Every meal has to have greenery and in this meal the greenery used is puha or watercress. I like both of them! Puha is just the dandelion plant but before the flowers bloom and everything. Watercress is just found in drains on the side of the road and things like that(major laughing again).

You cook all of these delicious ingredients together in like boiling water I think. I just eat it not cook it so I don't really know. Anyway it is great and the puha or watercress is really nice with tomato sauce. Then you pour salt all over it and dig in!

Maori style feed!

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