Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Massive jump

As I was standing there trembling with fear there was one hundred thoughts going through my head.

"What let him talk me into it? I'm foolish and I'll die critically"!

As I got the hint that his feet had shot into the air off the brick wall, I panicked!

I knew he was going to land on me, squish me flat like a pancake!

He seemed so confident, I didn't want to put him down, and say I didn't trust him. Before he had taken off I got into position and got my self prepared for this, but I am not prepared and it is too late! My heart beats unconditionally!

I am taking a giant, deep breath and i feel the breeze of his body passing over my hair. Waiting to feel a powerful thump to my head and fall smack on the ground, I feel nothing...

Nothing at all, had he made it? Or had this moment frozen.

Neither. . .


He made it, and as proud as he felt I was feeling proud too!

Proud for me, for standing beneath him while he attempts the jump.

Also for him because he jumped me.

Choice work Logan!


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