Monday, May 5, 2008

1 click from danger blog review

Today in class we watched a youtube called "1 CLICK FROM DANGER"It sent strong message to the entire class I think. We now all know to be very protective of ourselves and not give out any personal information. It's amazing how they can gather a small amount of information and from that find out everything about you and your life. There are strange people out there that could be reading private information that you put about yourself on your online pages. So if you have Private information then take it off. Also if you are a strange person that does that kind of stuff GET OFF MY PAGE!Online profiles aren't dangerous as long as you don't give out any personal information! I strongly advice not to add or talk to people that you don't know. For all you know they could say they are a girl the same age as you when really they could be a dirty old 50 year old man!I thought that it was a good clip that sent a strong message and made people who watched it now very cautious. I think that all schools should show their students this because a lot of kids have online profile and could be in as much danger as the girl in the clip was in. The girl in the clip was a normal 14 year old girl that started to talk to someone who she didn't know online. The person she was talking to said she was a 24 year old woman or something but really it was a 55 year old pedophile man! He tracked her down.It could happen to anyone!So be cautious and don't give out any personal information on your online profiles!

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